Sam's last meal - pb&j with 2 Amstel Lights on the side.
Andy "Bud Light" Dufresne works on the Bud Light 50 pack in the fridge.
Welcome to the dog house, where the dogs are crazy and the people are going crazy. Up until a few days ago our house had one dog and seemed quite quiet and orderly, now there are 3 and the place has quickly turned into a total disaster zone. I can't even remember what it is like to have 1 dog just after 3 full days of having 3, which conveniently forms an official pack. That's right, there is a pack of dogs living with us, wild dogs. Let me explain...Tim and I are watching the Lockner's dogs while they enjoy their first week of marriage in Napa. We offered to watch them since they are brand new to the family and we love dogs, so we never thought twice about it. I introduced you to the Boston brothers Bruno & Rosco about a week ago, and after getting to really know them, and by that I mean spending a few days living with them, I feel it is necessary to re-introduce them. Please meet the devil dogs also known as Hey Stop That, and NO Bad. No, I'm kidding, well...kind of, okay, not really. These little guys are absolutely adorable and we do have our special moments together, but please do not be fooled by their cute innocent ways. Deep down behind those sweet little puggy faces and big brown wide-set eyes are two little terrors at heart. I never imagined two puppies would be this much work. I have had a terror puppy before, just under two years ago and we still have bad moments. (Oscar, I'd like you to explain the poop piles in the basement.) But I don't remember this. Chew toys are not interesting but somehow rocks are, oh and doors, woodwork, dresser knobs, tables, shoes, garbage, aluminum cans, you name it and it has been chewed
on these past few days. Also having two puppies means having two little wiggling
bodies peeing and pooping all over your life. And I don't mean it like they are ruining my life, I mean they are literally peeing and pooping all over it. Reminder - do not put cute puppies in your bed, it leads to yellow sheets. And just when you are cleaning up after one the other is most likely squating behind you leaving a puddle.
Now I don't want you to think that these dogs are not the sweethearts that they are, because they do have very good qualities too, but they are puppies and there are two of them and they test your patience even when you really really
love dogs.
Oh what am I saying, I take it all back. Look at that face!Just looking a bit frazzled as I round up the boys.
Don't you want to pet me? Huh? Huh?
Nap time on the couch.
Oscar is a good boy!
Rosco enjoys being held by his favorite Auntie
Sam & Bruno enjoy a moment together.
Bruno tries to escape my arms.