I'm so over the top excited that Evie FINALLY does the YMCA daycare by herself!!!! It is going on month 2 since she gave in and finally gave it a try and now she actually likes it...she asks to go!! I feel selfish bringing her there every single day Miles is at preschool, but I get my work out which makes me HAPPY AND she gets to play with kids her age and do fun stuff without me, we both win. For now. So with this new activity that I tried years to get my kids to do with no luck, I am going to take advantage of it 100%. Now if we can all just stay healthy so we can keep at it.
Mondays - Yoga class at Blaisdell (both kids)
Tuesdays - Spin
Wed- run/weights or bodypump
Thursdays - Spin
Friday - Rest day or RUN
Saturday - Run
Sunday- Bodypump
That is my plan for the month of October and I'm going to stick with it in November as much as possible. I know I have to understand that some days are not going to stick to this plan and that I have to take each day as it comes, but after last week's craziness of our entire family having the worst stomach flu bug for the entire week makes me want to take advantage of feeling healthy and WORK OUT most days. Trust me, I'm a much happier person when I take my medicine exercise.