Showing posts with label preschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label preschool. Show all posts

Monday, November 25, 2013

Miles' Thanksgiving Feast

Miles and his best buddy at school Charlie.
The week before Thanksgiving Miles' preschool puts on a big Thanksgiving feast for the kids. They set up this long table and the kids make their own little place mats and turkey hats.

The kids all walk out in a line behind their teachers to be seated at the table and Miles came out walking with his buddy Henry. It was pretty cute!! He said it was Henry's idea :)
Every kid is assigned a food item to prepare and bring for the feast. The younger, first year students just have to bring one piece of fruit for a big fruit salad they prepare. That was us last year, while the older second year students bring a dish to pass for the feast. We were assigned our pumpkin chocolate chip muffins since I had just made them for the Halloween day snack and all the kids loved them. So I put my mini muffin pan to use once again, found some mini turkey liners and made a double batch for Miles to pass around to his classmates. He did a fantastic job giving each kid at the table a muffin and then finding his seat and waiting for the rest of the food to be passed out. Their little plates get pretty full of goodies and this year Miles actually did a good job of trying most of the food on his plate (last year he didn't eat a thing). The kids are so cute to watch and the teachers do such a good job preparing the kids for the event.
Waiting to be served.

 The kids take a break to gather by the piano and teachers to sing some Thanksgiving day songs and a little act where they are turkeys. Miles got chosen to be a turkey to run away and hide behind the piano. I'm also so proud of him for getting up in front of so many people and participating.
I love how Evie is trying to be part of the show. She loves trying to get right in there.

Evie sneaks a bite of cheese.

Miles as a little turkey going to 'hide' behind the piano.
Still hiding....

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Letter Box

Miles got the Letter Box at preschool this week!  And boy was he EXCITED!!

Every kid at his school gets a week to take this little suitcase home with a different letter of the week. Being a letter/word/book enthusiast Miles couldn't wait until he got the letter box last year and he had to wait until the very last week of school to get a turn.  So imagine his delight when he got to take it home so soon! He was so cute when I picked him up from school and he had it in his hand with the biggest smile on his face. Right when we got home he had to fill it up with things starting with the letter "H", which he did all on his own. 

Harold the Helicopter makes it in the box, along with hat, helmet, handprints, heart and Hamm the pig. I had to stop him at 6 items (as they only want 3-4). He could have went on and on and on. He seriously loves his letters.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!!!

Halloween is really such a fun holiday now that we have kids. They get so excited to dress up and go trick or treating. Last year we discovered that our street was the trick or treat jackpot. Everyone goes above and beyond to decorate and hand out candy to the little trick or treaters. We also discovered that the head brew master for Surly beer lives on our street just a few blocks up and hands out a special Surly home brew as a treat for the adults. Their house is completely decked out with lights and smoke machines and the lady dresses up as a witch with a huge cauldron filled with treats for the kids. It's our new trick or treating destination, even if it means letting the kids eat some candy on the way!

We started out the day with Miles' preschool Halloween program. The kids got to bring their costumes to school which they wore for their little performance. They sang all their fall and Halloween songs for us. It was adorable as usual, and this year a little more pleasant for Tim and I, as Evie actually sat and behaved while the kids sang.

Chosen to be a little pumpkin for the 5 Little Pumpkins Song

Having fun with Daddy at school!

Happy Halloween!