Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Baby Oscar Turns Two

Little baby Oscar turned two today. We celebrated his birthday with grilled veggie burgers and ice cream treats. He had his two best friends over, Edgar and Millie, to play in the yard and eat some doggy ice cream. Grandma Mindy was also there to party.
I can't believe our baby boy is all grown up. Who would have thought this little guy was two, he just went potty in the house the other day.

Just a baby at 8 weeks...

I remember Tim bringing this little bundle of joy home like it was yesterday. He was scared at first and found comfort sitting under chairs. He also had very big ears, and we never thought he'd grow into them. Well he did, and he also discovered that sitting under chairs is not as comfy as laying in big beds, and that he liked to eat wood chips.

Can't believe he was ever so tiny...

Happy Birthday Oscar!!!! You are our little wiggler and we love you a million times over.

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