Thursday, April 30, 2009

Miles Harold

Baby Miles Harold is finally here. He arrived Tuesday 4/21 at 8:59 in the evening. After 26 hours of labor the little (or should I say big) guy came into this world weighing in at 9lbs 5ozs and 22.5" long. No wonder my belly was so gigantic!

Labor was a little different than I imagined. My due date came and went on Sunday 4/19. I went to work on Monday feeling as if I would be pregnant forever. The day went on and I was feeling a lot of pressure in my belly and a bit nauseous but nothing major. I went to see Brian to get acupuncture after work and then decided to head to the gym to walk the treadmill. While on the treadmill I began to have mild contractions and walked through them. They got a bit stronger after 20 minutes so I decided to head home a little after 7pm. I was having more contractions that night and overall just felt 'yucky'. I talked to my Mom and my friend Cortney on the phone thinking in the back of my mind that I would probably be having a baby very soon. I tried to sleep on and off, and decided to time my contractions. They were randomly spaced about 7 -12 minutes apart. I remember complaining to Tim that I couldn't get comfortable while trying to sleep.

At 3am I woke up for my usual bathroom trip and my water broke, right on the toilet (very convienent). After that labor was pretty intense. Tim began to time my contractions, they were very confusing to us. They were about 2-4 minutes in length and about 5 minutes apart, giving me little time for rest breaks. We called our midwife at 5am and decided to take a shower, it didn't help, but made labor even more intense. I found myself laying on the floor unable to really move they were so strong. Tim got everything ready and we headed to the hospital at 7am. We met Kathrine (our midwife) there and she confirmed my water had indeed broke and I was in labor...we were having a baby! Unfortunately, I was barely dilated, and the reason my contractions were so painfully long was because of the baby's position....he was presenting posterior and nice and crooked. We had learned about this in our childbirth class and I knew we were in for a very long and hard labor. We labored at the hospital all day and I began requesting drugs to take the pain away, but Tim and Kathrine knew my drug free birth plan was important to me so they helped me into the tub and got me plenty of tasty orange sherbert. That helped a lot and before we knew it I was fully dilated and ready to push.
I pushed for a good 2 hours and baby Miles wouldn't budge. My uterus finally decided to quit and contractions stopped. There was no way to push the baby out on my own so I got hooked up to Pitocin which started my contractions back up. After almost another 3 hours of pushing baby Miles was finally born. He was placed on my belly and was so warm and big and was screaming his little head off. Our birth story was a little different than planned, but all went well and we are now home and happy, adjusting to our new life with Miles. It is amazing bringing a baby into this world. Nothing you can really plan for, no matter how many books you read, or classes you take. Tim was Super Coach and we had an amazing birth team. Our midwife and nurses were so great, I couldn't have asked for a better experience.


christina said...

that does not sound pleasant, happy he is here now though and healthy!

Sarah said...

Congrats Oona and Tim! I like the babe's name.

Vital Being said...

Wow, you are one strong woman! You did great (by the sounds of it) ;-). I hope to meet Miles this weekend!!