Friday, March 7, 2014

Birth Stories

Something about hearing a birth story makes me so excited. I love birth stories. Any time I get a chance to hear one or read one, I'm all about it. I read a great one the other day, made me a little emotional and it got me thinking that I posted my birth story with Miles but never my story with Evie. I have written them both down in their baby journals, but wanted to share both of them on here so I always have a place to remember them. I don't think I will ever forget the birth of my 2 children, especially being that they were both as opposite as you can get, but my mind is full of so many to-do lists, ideas, memories, whatever, that I feel foggy on certain memories and there are some I'd always like to remember and be able to tell my children when they are older. I remembered that I had written my story of having Evie to Blooma, a very special yoga and wellness center for mothers and mothers to be, so I dug it out and am posting it below. Miles' story can be found here. Brings back so many memories and emotions. Ahhhhh. Amazing. Now if only 2 year old Evie were as easy as her birth. Hmm.

Dearest Sarah and all the wonderful women of Blooma,

I cannot even thank you enough for being my biggest support through this pregnancy. Being a stay at home mom with a 2 year old son made it harder to focus on this baby girl that was growing inside my belly. I found the special time I needed to bond with her at Blooma through all the prenatal yoga classes I went to - thank goodness for the great childcare!

Recently, I have been hearing stories of women who've had very long labors with their first that had been having very short intense labors with their second babies and barely making it to the hospital in time, but I never thought that I would be one of them. My 2 year old son was born posterior and over 9 pounds and I had a very long exhausting labor and delivery with him (26 hours and 5+ hours of pushing). I was successful in getting my unmedicated birth but it was NOT easy and thank goodness I had such an amazing midwife to trust my body could do it, as I was told many times by the nurses that I should have just been a c-section!

The morning of September 6th I went to my 39 week appointment with my 2 year old son in tow and was told by my midwife that my cervix was still closed and very thick. She sent me home and told me to plan for a week or more.  Well imagine my surprise as I sat down for dinner at 6pm and my water broke right there on the kitchen chair. Contractions started slowly around 8pm and they were very inconsistent but quite strong already and after they hung around for an hour or so I decided maybe I should call. My midwife wanted me to come in since I had tested positive for Group B Strep and since my water had broke she was a bit concerned to make sure I could get the antibiotics I needed. We made arrangements with a friend to come watch Miles and I felt silly running off to the hospital so early since it could still be false labor and possibly just me peeing my pants. We got in the car a little after 10pm to drive up to Maple Grove hospital and the second I got in the car contractions kicked in so strongly and came right on top of each other. Sitting in the seat was killing me, I wanted to be on all fours so badly but we had both carseats in the back and I was stuck in the front seat for the 40 minute drive. I have to say, I moaned, and sighed, and opened my jaw and yelled "open" and "out" that entire car ride. I kept picturing Sarah saying to let it out, make noise, and it helped so much, I felt like she was in the car with us! My husband didn't say a word and just kept driving faster and faster. We pulled into the parking lot at 10:50pm and when they saw me on the sidewalk crawling on all fours and moaning they tried to get me in a wheelchair and I told them I couldn't sit since it hurt so much, and two security guards chuckled at me. After about 5 contractions on the floor I made it to labor and delivery and told them I couldn't get on the table to get checked because I had to stay on the floor on all fours. I also told them I was going to poop right there and that I was sorry. Well turns out I wasn't going to poop, I was fully dilated, and ready to push my baby girl out since her head was right there. They got me up on a stretcher, and literally ran me into a delivery room, where the second I got in there, I gave 4 good pushes on my hands and knees and met my baby girl at 11:12pm! Right after giving birth I walked with my placenta and baby girl still attached, to the delivery bed to get some skin on skin time with her while I delivered the placenta. I didn't even have time to change my clothes or get admitted to the hospital (we also had all of our bags and camera in the car). And here I thought I was going to get sent home or have a long labor in a tub to try for my waterbirth, but baby Evie had other plans. My midwife was happy I had tested positive for the Group B Strep since that is why she had me come in, otherwise I would have had the baby at home with a very scared husband!

Everyone couldn't believe how fast she came, and I came out with a 7lb 2oz perfect little baby girl, and not a single tear or much soreness afterwards. I feel like a million bucks and credit the smooth delivery to all those prenatal yoga classes, squats, and goddess poses! I'm going to miss those special classes so much but look forward to bringing baby Evie to some BYOB as soon as I can.

Much love,



The Pederson Family said...

Love this post. I got shivers reading your story again. I remember that day pretty clearly too. Crazy playdate, your denial the baby was coming and all! :)

Oona said...

Oh gosh how could I forget that crazy play date!!! Ha! I'm pretty sure that's what made my water break :)