Friday, January 10, 2014

R.K.T. Class

I signed up for a new class at the gym that I have always been intrigued with. It is a Ropes/Kettlebells/TRX class that meets every Wednesday morning for 45 minutes at the gym I belong to. The best part is that my neighbor Jenny and my friend Terri both decided to try it out with me. We met this past Wednesday for our first class and it was awesome. I'm hooked. The instructor is amazing and there is only 4 of us total in the class so I feel like we get a lot of instruction personalized just for us. I'm hoping it gives me a little extra motivation to get to my workouts in and help me get those buff arms I have always dreamed of! ;)

1 comment:

Julie @ Living on the Ledge said...

SO jealous that you get to work out. Do extra for me!!!